The experienced veterinarians at Woodbury Veterinary Hospital perform routine spay, neuter, castration, and mass removal surgeries for pets living in Woodbury, McMinnville, Murfreesboro, and Readyville, Tennessee. You can rest assured that our qualified veterinarians and staff will take the utmost care of your pet and treat it as our own before, during, and after all surgical procedures.
Since every pet is unique, we complete an assessment prior to surgery so that we can screen for any abnormalities or conditions that may be problematic. All patients older than 5 years are required to have pre-op lab work and pre-anesthetic screenings to help ensure there are no unforeseen or underlying medical conditions.
At Woodbury Veterinary Hospital, we understand that anesthesia is scary. It’s very common for people to be concerned, especially when their older pet needs a procedure. To ensure your pet’s safety, we will use the information from our evaluations and take into consideration your pet’s species, breed, age, and health to create an anesthetic protocol best suited to your pet. We use gas anesthesia that allows for quicker recovery times, and we monitor vital signs throughout all stages of surgery and recovery. We also provide appropriate pain medication following surgery to make certain that your pet has a comfortable recovery.
Occasionally, we may refer patients to specialists, or board-certified veterinary surgeons, when complex operations with advanced equipment or training is required. Your pet’s health is our top priority, and we want to make sure that all of our patients receive the best possible outcome.
Whether your pet is of the age to be spayed or neutered or requires a different surgical procedure, the veterinarians and staff at Woodbury Veterinary Hospital are here for you and your pet. Contact us today for more information.